Thursday, May 22, 2014

It's the Little Things Link-Up: Baby on the Move!

Hello, Hello, Hello! I'm happy to say that I'm back with a new post. Ashley @ Words About Waverly  and her "It's the Little Things Link-Up" really motivates me to keep up with my blogging; once again, I am linking up with her for this post. And if you follow my blog, you know that I have a little princess who melts my heart. Yes, she is THE LOVE of my life. But I must admit that I don't necessarily always love it when she gets into certain things. She is now 10 months old, crawls all over the place, and follows me around in her walker. So, you can imagine all the stuff she wants to do now that she is mobile.

Exhibit A:

She absolutely loves to play with the blinds on the kitchen door. And the first time I caught her, I immediately ran over to teach her that she cannot play with them. So, she stopped. And three minutes later, she was at it again! And I ran over to her again, and she stopped. And the cycle continued for a couple more times until.....I realized that one day I'm going to miss little things like this! Sure, in a perfect world, we'd all have Pinterest-worthy homes. But this is her home too, so why not let her explore it and get to know it better? As long as she's being supervised, I am okay with it. I have yet to replace the blinds. And hey, it's a great conversation starter when we have guests over!

Discipline is so hard with a smile like this!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Update and It's The Little Things Link-up!

Hello, there! It has been way too long since my last post. But I have very valid reasons! First of all, (even though I am a SAHM), I realized that I wanted to have even more interaction with my little girl. Sure, I'm the only person she is with 24/7, but I wanted to work on our bonding. We all know that being a SAHM, there's always something to do. Whether I was cooking or cleaning or washing bottles, I often found myself trying to "distract" her with a toy or some other activity. And now I see that I want to be on her level (literally). I have been spending a lot of time with her on the floor, playing with lots of toys and doing lots of activities! I told myself, "Everything else can wait!". Most of my day is dedicated entirely to her. And as a result, I am very busy in the evenings. And with my never-ending "Spring Cleaning To-Do List", I haven't found much time to blog. But now that I am working on a routine, I will definitely make sure to find time for my readers. I absolutely love to blog and will do my best to do it regularly. And now that I've updated you on what I've been up to, I'd like to use this post to participate in the It's The Little Things link-up with Ashley at Words About Waverly. I really enjoy reading her blog and love the idea of the link-up. So, one of the 'little things' that I love about my relationship with my daughter is when we go out as a family and I sit next to her in the back seat of the car. I take this time to really talk to her and make funny faces and make her laugh like crazy! I love it because I can just sit down until we reach our destination and truly enjoy her reactions. Here's a photo during our last trip to the grocery store:

Thank you so much for stopping by!